Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Faith and Repentance

Lyrics by Dr. Wong

Faith is gift of God,
A means of enjoying grace.
Faith is receiving Christ,
Trusting in His saving work.
Faith is turning from sin,
To the righteous ways of God.
Faith can please the Father,
It can overcome the world.


Lord, give me more faith, more repentance, more knowledge of Your grace, more knowledge of Your Son, more knowledge of the sanctifying work of Your Spirit, more knowledge of Your Word... and, Lord, make me to obey... for the advancement of Your kingdom, the love of Your people, and the praise and glory of You.


S. Ferguson on Repentance - Psalm 51

"You have not yet considered the greatness of the weight of sin."

Repent that more people will return to God.

- recognize your failure
- gaze upon the true nature of your heart in all its evil
- you must know the "appalling sinfulness" of your own heart in order to experience the grace of God
- sin is serious and has impact on your life
- ask forgiveness - "blot out my transgressions"
- it is God who we sin against hence whom we must ask forgiveness from
- David's sin was the "utter unfitness" of being in the presence of God
- repentance is rooted in God's amazing grace
- David could not do anything - no sacrifice would suffice - it was according to God's steadfast love - it is God who must have mercy on the sinner
- repentance is the beginning of joy
- rejoice in forgiveness - it's this that transforms your life - SING!
- the whole of the Christian life should be repentance - until the end when we'll be transformed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You finally put the words up! Yea!! I miss you Paco!!!!!