Friday, January 27, 2006

alas, my wicked heart remains...

sometimes i wish i could literally pull out my brain and dig out my heart - yes, exactly like indiana jones and the temple of doom! how utterly sinful i am! as i sat in on the pastors' conference my mind wandered to other things, seemingly more glorious things than that of God's Perfect and Holy Word. actually, i knew not more glorious but quite the opposite! i knew it grieved my Savior and yet there i sat, my mind made up to be quite indignant. how rude! how shameful! how appalling! i knew i would come home and after hours of not flinching at my sin, finally fall on my knees and beg for forgiveness and how i needed grace. why on earth would God forgive such a knowing sinner? i can only have one master - oh, how i pray that it is the Living God alone! have mercy on me, powerful and omniscient God of the universe! wash me clean by the blood of Your Perfect Son, Jesus Christ. and so i must rest on the fact that "if i confess my sins, He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse me from all unrighteousness." oh, how i pray He would cleanse me completely now - take me Home, Lord, that i may never sin against You again!

Friday, January 20, 2006

don't forget...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

If only you had been a fly on the wall...

Here’s what happened…

Late Saturday night I was sitting at my computer reading through all my saved files that I haven’t read in years. Junotte was busying herself in the kitchen as usual. All of the sudden, she says, “Uh oh!” I look over and see a small shadow coming up over the stove. I do not pay too much attention at first because Junotte seems so calm. About a minute later I realize Junotte is just staring at the stove so I go over to take a look at what’s happening. To my horror, a huge cockroach is sitting on top of our stove wiggling his little feelers around. So we calmly think about what we should do. Junotte won’t kill it. I won’t kill it. We don’t have Raid. Our neighbors are gone for the night. The next best thing? Junotte tells me to call Pat. She tells me that she’ll do anything he says except hit it with a shoe. Of course, that’s exactly what Pat tells us to do. The cockroach is still on the stove. So I ask if it flies. Pat says that it might a little. The next thing you know, Junotte and I are both on chairs. Pat says to call back in 15 minutes if we still need help. I told him that if we weren’t in church the next day, they would know where to find us. So we make all the gadgets to try and kill the cockroach (i.e., flyswatter taped to the end of a long pole). Junotte goes into the other corner of the room and starts praying to the Lord to give me courage. I’m saying to myself over and over again, “Get mad at the cockroach! Get mad at the cockroach!” To make a long enough story come to a rapid end… we both end up on chairs again and on the phone talking to Linda (she should be a 911 answerer the way she was trying to calm us down). The cockroach isn’t on the stove anymore by this time. We made him unhappy so he ran across the counter, I jumped onto my bed in the bedroom, Junotte’s trying to throw Boric Acid on him which supposedly kills cockroaches. He flutters down to the carpet, up on the wall, across the ceiling, and all the sudden there’s a knock on the door. Junotte races to let in Pat and Matt. Smack! The cockroach falls to the floor. Smack! The cockroach is dead. “Good night!” Pat says. I think I’ll have enough courage next time.

Friday, January 13, 2006


I have a gecko living in my apartment. Any ideas for names?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

last blog for a while

Sunday afternoon, January 8th

Weno, Chuuk, Micronesia

I pobably won't write much on this blog for the next five months... we'll see...

The Pacific Ocean is really big. And I have a personal relationship wih the God who made it, by the blood of His Son. Amazing, eh?