Friday, December 02, 2005

"Yes. No. Never absolutely."

"It was every day implied but never declared." --Marianne Dashwood, Sense and Sensibility

"Might God sometimes take from us our love because we love too much? I don't think so. Surely it is impossible to love 'too much,' for love is from God, who is Love. Usually we love too little and too sentimentally. Our love, God-given though it be, is usually mixed up with possessiveness and selfishness. It needs strengthening and purifying. Human love is often inordinate, which means disorderly, unregulated, unrestrained, not limited to the usual bounds. If we love someone more than we love God, it is worse than inordinate - it is idolatry. When God is first in our hearts, all other loves are in order and find their rightful place. If God is not first, other loves, even those which are in no sense sexual, easily turn into self-gratification and therefore destroy both the lover and the beloved."
--E. Elliot, The Path of Loneliness

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Paco, that was an awesome blog. Thanks for posting it; it made it stop what I was doing and really consider different things in my life. Thank you!