Thursday, December 08, 2005

Whack, Slam, Crash!

Lots on my mind lately: Christmas (concerts, teaching, eve & day), Micronesia (preparation, teaching, lifestyle), communication (new roommate, missionaries, sister, friends), EE (oral and written test, Praise the Lord for David and Darby's salvation!), Grandma (Bible study leader, talk at circle meeting, clean house, weed garden, put up Christmas deco.), Mom (fix computer, wrap presents, fix Christmas tree lights, create prayer card), and the list goes on (pray, clean room, Cynthia, Isaias and Annie, thank you notes, marriage, Sunday school, pick up Kayti, babysit Tagues, etc.)

We all have busy lives, not just me. I understand that. But last night I was hit with reality. It's good to be hit with reality. The Holy Spirit uses it to renew my mind. There's no stronger conviction than reading the Bible; there's no stronger encouragement than reading the Bible.

So I've been reading Hebrews, a great book, of course. And many of us know what chapter eleven is all about, right? ...Right? Maybe not... I suggest reading the whole chapter, err, the whole book for that matter. But here are verses 13 through 16 from chapter 11 (suggestion: read slowly and carefully):
"These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city."

Most of you who know me, know that the beginning of Colossians chapter three is one of my favorite passages of Scripture. Reality with Jesus Christ.

I am to be living for heaven constantly. That's what life here is all about - living for the unseen. Live for heaven. Constantly. Do everything because you know that you will see your Savior face-to-face. Do everything for Him because you know that you will be where you never deserved to go. Live for that homeland. Even more, live for the King of that homeland.


Anonymous said...

Ugh!!!!! Did you read Bob's web comic? I read it last night, and then IMed him. I was like, "That's like me right now." And he said actually he was really growing. And HE told me to a READ MY BIBLE. But I told him I was just getting to the really good part in Crime and Punishment. He said God is NOT in there, put it down, and pick up your Bible if you want to know your God better. But I was stubborn. Then he said, "Well, I guess you have until you die or the rapture to get things right...." Aaaaargh! I've never NEVER been good at reading my Bible and I see more and more how important that is, but I always tend to just read it b'c I am supposed to and not really get much out of it, so I have recently learned I'm supposed to read it to learn more about God, but, honestly, I AM TOO LAZY. Waaaaaah!
-you know who this is. muaaah!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,
Thanks for taking the time in the midst of busyness to post some of your thoughts. Just thought I'd let you know that I've been "tuning in" and thankful to be able to have a window into the life of Katie and learn along with you. :) I love you, friend!