Thursday, January 20, 2005

Psalm 51 - Repentance

"You have not yet considered the greatness of the weight of sin."

Repent that more people will return to God.

- recognize your failure
- gaze upon the true nature of your heart in all its evil
- sin is disregarding the glory of God
- you must know the "appalling sinfulness" of your own heart in order to experience the grace of God
- sin is serious and has impact on your life
- ask forgiveness - "blot out my transgressions"
- it is God who we sin against hence who we must ask forgiveness from
- David's sin was the "utter unfitness" ofbeing the presence of God
- repentance is rooted in God's amazing grace
- David could not do anything - no sacrifice would suffice - it was according to God's steadfast love - it is God who must have mercy on the sinner
- rejoice in forgiveness - it's this that transforms your life - SING!
- the whole of the Christian life should be repentance - until the end when we'll be transformed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! sinner of whom I am chief!