Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Found: God's Will, by J. M., Jr.

"Since we have the Spirit, we also have power, for Jesus said, 'But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you' (Acts 1:8, NASB). The word for power in the Greek is dunamis, from which we get our word 'dynamite.' You are literally walking dynamite." - Complete in Him, page 19
"The more you would study the Word of God, the more your mind would be saturated with it. It will be no problem then for you to think of Christ. You won't be able to stop thinking of Him." - Planned Neglect, page 30

1 comment:

Cara Stardusst said...

hi, sweet... you posted on my blog a li'le bi' ago... asking me if i really knew what christmas was all about...
i do escape into a fantasy world often times... i enjoy writing, and i persuade myself of a lot of things... but confusion is a large part of being a teenager, right? hmm... i do not know... i'm keeping faith... and i am hoping that i and my friends get through all of this turmoil that has leaped among us as of late...
when i think of chrismas, i think a lot about the christmas story... big surprise, eh? heh... i really can't tell you what christmas truly is about... because it is so many things to so many different people...as i'm sure you yourself have a theory... or perhaps, you know for sure what it is... to me though, it is the one time in the year that love is truly present... i'm not so sure that i can explain it any further... you can and anyone else can stretch it into whatever you would like... i'm sure it can be taken a thousand different ways...
thank you for taking the time to post on my blog... i took comfort in it, actually... just that someone answered something i'd been wondering to myself lately...