Saturday, April 28, 2007

When I am faithless, He remains faithful.

He who began a good work in you...
He who began a good work in you...
Will be faithful to complete it...
Will be faithful to complete it...
He who started a work will be faithful to complete it in you!

Monday, April 16, 2007

I think I give up.

Will God give up on me?

I hope not.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

my friend

one of my friends who loves Jesus an awful lot is almost never seen not smiling this huge, brilliant smile. so i asked him today if he ever got mad. in all seriousness, with sad puppy-dog eyes, he said, "yeah, sometimes for a couple seconds."

Thursday, March 15, 2007

June 9th, Streams in the Desert

If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that
(Mark 9:23)

What should be the attitude of a Christian when placed in a difficult and trying situation - a place of severe testing? There can be but one attitude! A simple and unwavering trust in God! A refusal to look at the difficult circumstance, but above it. The only sure way to do this is to live very close to God. As the turbo-supercharger enables an airplane to maintain full power at an altitude of thirty thousand feet, where an ordinary plane has lost four-fifths of its power, so the Christian who walks with his God, listening and obeying, keeps strong at the toughest heights of life. The fact is that God is stronger than any temptation and danger; and the person who has God in his heart is unconquerable.

"It is true that God often seems to place His children in positions of profound difficulty, leading them into a tight corner - from which there is no way of escape - contriving a situation which no human judgment would have permitted.

During such periods, the words of Jesus quoted above take on added significance. It should be clearly understood that this kind of faith in God is the most practical approach to the problems and testings of life - it is not sense, or sight, or reason, but taking God at His word. Experience reveals that such a faith will not make the sun rise sooner, but it will make the night seem shorter.

A story is told by Francis Browne of a little pilgrim band sitting by the seashore recounting their losses, while one tells of a ship that went down with all his household, and another, the sweet memories of a lost youth, and others of vanished gold, of proud honors gone, and of faithless friends: 'a stranger seeming from all sorrow free,' said:

Sad losses have yet me,
But mine is heavier yet:
For a believing heart hath gone from me.

"'Alas!' said the pilgrims: 'Thine, stranger, is life's last and heaviest loss.'

"Life's greatest loss is the loss of faith. 'Christ's anxiety to retain Peter's faith,' says one writer, 'can only be explained one way. He did not interfere between him and failure, but He did interfere between him and the loss of faith. A man is lost when honor, truth, and character are gone; but when faith has gone, he has suffered the greatest loss.'"

--Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

Friday, March 09, 2007


My circumstances, decisions, feelings, obedience or disobedience, trust or distrust does not determine God’s character. He is perfect justice and perfect love. He is perfect Father and perfect King. My ways and my thoughts do not change Him.


This is not to say that He does not grieve when I sin or smile when I please Him. This is not to say that prayer does not have its effects.

This is to say that I am but man. I am nothing more.

This is to say that He is God. He is the great I AM.

Forever He will be praised! HE WILL BE PRAISED!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Crazy Times

Artist: Jars Of Clay
Album: Much Afraid
Track: Crazy Times

You're cold that way
And that's why you say
The things that you say
You can't attract
The things that you lack
You're trying in vain

It seems it's always the crazy times
You find you'll wake up and realize
It takes more than your saline eyes
To make things right

You spiral down
You've broken your crown
You don't feel like a queen
You've seen the proof
But you're still crying wolf
You'll never believe


You try to climb a broken ladder
Grip the missing rungs
And fall down, down, down
Seems sometime ago you said
This wouldn't last
And now you sit here crying

Beside your bed
You feel left for dead
You kneel in the dark...

It takes more than your saline eyes
To make things right
